Nice size. If it holds together, super. It seems very solid. Not hard to put together if you focus on it
Nice size. If it holds together, super. It seems very solid. Not hard to put together if you focus on it
So cool, it was a little tricky to assemble but once we got together it was good and sturdy
My son had a lot of fun assembling this. The directions were just enough to get him started and figuring it out was part of the fun.
I did pop out all the pieces for him, I could see a potential for them to split if pressed wrong so I carefully removed them.
The laser cut wooden parts fit snugly, and the assembly locks each part securely with the next step of assembly, the whole thing finishes off with 4 small screws that lock it all together. Fun little project. all parts very clearly labeled for easy assembly.
The laser cut wooden parts fit snugly, and the assembly locks each part securely with the next step of assembly, the whole thing finishes off with 4 small screws that lock it all together. Fun little project. all parts very clearly labeled for easy assembly.
Good product, could use better directions for assembly.
Good product, could use better directions for assembly.
This is a very beautiful and elegantly constructed item.
It looks wonderful and is light and sturdy, once assembled.
I would like to have given it five stars, because for the price it's a fantastic buy, but it's TOUGH to assemble!
Not very intuitive and some bits had to be really forced into place.
This is a very beautiful and elegantly constructed item.
It looks wonderful and is light and sturdy, once assembled.
I would like to have given it five stars, because for the price it's a fantastic buy, but it's TOUGH to assemble!
Not very intuitive and some bits had to be really forced into place.
I am a gamemaster, but I have too many players to allow us all to sit at the table where the map is. I used to have to walk back to my desk to roll dice; not anymore. This little guy allows me to keep my dice with me as I walk around the table and comes with the added benefit of not having my die roll onto the floor. It also looks cool. (In my picture, you can see it's size, as well as the Inn, some walls, a boat and a pice of the Dock system sold by the same company.)
I am a gamemaster, but I have too many players to allow us all to sit at the table where the map is. I used to have to walk back to my desk to roll dice; not anymore. This little guy allows me to keep my dice with me as I walk around the table and comes with the added benefit of not having my die roll onto the floor. It also looks cool. (In my picture, you can see it's size, as well as the Inn, some walls, a boat and a pice of the Dock system sold by the same company.)
Overall I was very pleased with this dice castle. This is the 2nd item I have recently purchased from CZYY. The instructions were a little difficult to read but I was able to get it assembled with out too much trouble. Many of the pieces were a tight fit. The players at my table really enjoy rolling their dice in the castle.
Overall I was very pleased with this dice castle. This is the 2nd item I have recently purchased from CZYY. The instructions were a little difficult to read but I was able to get it assembled with out too much trouble. Many of the pieces were a tight fit. The players at my table really enjoy rolling their dice in the castle.
Easy to assemble using the diagram on the instruction sheet. I thought it would be really loud when the dice hit the tray but it was not as loud as I thought...unless you are using metal dice.
Easy to assemble using the diagram on the instruction sheet. I thought it would be really loud when the dice hit the tray but it was not as loud as I thought...unless you are using metal dice.
Easy to assemble using the diagram on the instruction sheet. I thought it would be really loud when the dice hit the tray but it was not as loud as I thought...unless you are using metal dice.
Easy and fun to put together. Looks cool sitting on the coffee table. Big enough to hold a small hoard of dice. 10/10 would buy again
Easy and fun to put together. Looks cool sitting on the coffee table. Big enough to hold a small hoard of dice. 10/10 would buy again
I did pop out all the pieces for him, I could see a potential for them to split if pressed wrong so I carefully removed them.
It looks wonderful and is light and sturdy, once assembled.
I would like to have given it five stars, because for the price it's a fantastic buy, but it's TOUGH to assemble!
Not very intuitive and some bits had to be really forced into place.
It looks wonderful and is light and sturdy, once assembled.
I would like to have given it five stars, because for the price it's a fantastic buy, but it's TOUGH to assemble!
Not very intuitive and some bits had to be really forced into place.