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Creative DIY Mini Metal Toothpick Crossbow
Creative DIY Mini Metal Toothpick Crossbow


US$ 27.99
Reviews (332)
  • 2017-10-04
    If you're like me and are new to archery, this is going to take some getting used to. It wasn't easy to string the bow and cocking can be dangerous if your foot slips off the foot loop. Be careful using this as it is a powerful bow, but it takes some serious pull to cock it. Not for kids.
  • 2017-08-22
    Stringing bow (VERY DIFFICULT) also no instructions on how to install scope
  • 2017-08-16
    Great toy, bought for my son. He loves it and didn't stop plating with it. Till the string snapped, and I had to try and fit a new one.
    For such a quality toy you would think there would be an easier way to replace something that is bound to break eventually.
    Otherwise it would have received 5 stars.
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