Customer Reviews (3269)

  • US$ 19.49
    US$ 29.99



    I bought these for my daughter who is the DM for our D n D game and she loves them. They help big time when we are battling and get poisoned, stunned, or even unconscious. They are GREAT.
  • US$ 11.69
    US$ 17.99



    This is a great product. Me and my players love them. They really come in handy.
  • US$ 14.99



    Beautiful carving and perfect for a D&D themed gift
  • US$ 19.49
    US$ 29.99



    I bought these for my daughter who is the DM for our D n D game and she loves them. They help big time when we are battling and get poisoned, stunned, or even unconscious. They are GREAT.
  • US$ 19.49
    US$ 29.99



    I bought these for my daughter who is the DM for our D n D game and she loves them. They help big time when we are battling and get poisoned, stunned, or even unconscious. They are GREAT.
  • US$ 9.74
    US$ 14.99



    Perfect tool for Dungeons & Dragons 5e miniature play!
  • US$ 15.99



    I was hesitant at first, whether it would fit my husband's sandwiches, chips and sodas....but to my surprise it did!!!...and with room to add dessert 😊. Great simple design and he loves it. I am glad I have it a try. I am super happy with this purchase!!!
  • US$ 15.99



    Worth it.
  • US$ 11.69
    US$ 17.99



    Breaks down flat for better storage and transport. The labeling on the upright comes in very handy when multiple things are being elevated differently, or their altitude fluctuates every round, etc.
  • US$ 9.74
    US$ 14.99



    Perfect tool for Dungeons & Dragons 5e miniature play!
  • US$ 14.99



    Honestly, these coasters are awesome. It was a decent price, but if they added 2-4 more coasters for a little up-charge, it would be more practical. I play D&D with 5 guys, so only having 3 coasters was my only concern. Still, it’s a great design with a value price.
  • US$ 15.99



    Un sacco in tela cerata utile per diversi utilizzi, seppur il design minimal e retrò per certi versi la rendono meno pratica rispetto ad una busta in plastica o ad un qualcosa di simile ma con le maniche.In effetti è solo un sacchetto. Nulla di piu' di quanto non vi dia gratuitamente il vostro panettiere. La differenza è che anziché essere in carta, riutilizzabile un paio di volte al massimo, è in tela, di per se molto resistente e per lo più cerata, il che lo rende un sacchetto molto duro, quasi rigido.Non ha zip, chiusure, taschini, è alta quanto una bottiglia da 1,5L che volendo ci sta dentro e si richiude semplicemente arrotolando la parte superiore finché ci si riesce o volendo può restare aperta.Non e' termica, il che significa che se - come me - la userete per il pranzo, d'estate andrà tutto a caldo e d'inverno andrà tutto gelato. Nel mio personalissimo caso non è un problema ma pur non volendo rinunciare a questo sacchetto si può usare insieme ad una busta termica sottile.Resto curioso di capire quanto durerà, come e se davvero resisterà alle macchie e quanto possa resistere a lavaggi leggeri in caso dovesse macchiarsi. Tutte domande che mi sono posto prima dell'acquisto ma che ahimè non mi hanno fermato nel comprare questo sacchetto non propriamente economico: 15€ per la sua comodità li reputo tanti, ci sono borse termiche che costano uguale o meno. Insomma la si acquista solo se piace davvero, a me piace.
  • US$ 11.69
    US$ 17.99



    Works great and was easy to put together.
  • US$ 11.69
    US$ 17.99



    Works great and was easy to put together.
  • US$ 11.69
    US$ 17.99



    Works great and was easy to put together.
  • US$ 24.69
    US$ 37.99



    I was considering buying a more expensive model for my campaign but I wanted to check this out. It's really great well worth the money and I will be buying more of their sets.
  • US$ 29.99



    At first I was worried since some of the panels were warped due to the packaging had some smaller panels under the larger one. The assembly went quick and easy. Just make sure to double check the direction of the support struts and the tension blocks to give the needed ridgity. Haven't been able to run an encounter with it but it looks like it'll make a nice piece for it.
  • US$ 24.69
    US$ 37.99



    I was considering buying a more expensive model for my campaign but I wanted to check this out. It's really great well worth the money and I will be buying more of their sets.
  • US$ 24.69
    US$ 37.99



    I was considering buying a more expensive model for my campaign but I wanted to check this out. It's really great well worth the money and I will be buying more of their sets.
  • US$ 29.99



    At first I was worried since some of the panels were warped due to the packaging had some smaller panels under the larger one. The assembly went quick and easy. Just make sure to double check the direction of the support struts and the tension blocks to give the needed ridgity. Haven't been able to run an encounter with it but it looks like it'll make a nice piece for it.
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